Cove Road – A-Frame Redesigned
renovations and remodels
March 27 2017Perched on a bluff over the Hudson River and offering incredible Hudson River views, the house was virtually unchanged since it was built in the 1970s. Dark brown wood interior gave the building a dark and dated feel. A modest renovation was decided upon, with the intention to brighten and modernize the space on a strict budget. The dark wood interior felt woodsy and inappropriate for its riverfront location, so a washed-out gray palette was chosen to make the house feel more like a beach cabin. Tension-cable railings were added to open up the view from the balcony and deck as much as possible and black trim was used to accentuate the architecture of the A-frame.
While the design changes were fun and exciting, there was also a major structural problem that need to be addressed. The front part of the house was sliding down the hill. To solve this, multiple specialty engineers and technicians were called in to design a solution. Helical piers were screwed down into the earth about 50 feet until they hit solid ground and essentially became stilts that anchored the house to the bedrock below.
Build: The Art of Building